




Damn take your own shit back

2007-03-31 - 10:24 a.m.

I have been working hard at work lately. Which means I don't get on the computer as much as I would like to? Wows last night I was sitting there watching a movie which I have no clue the name of it. It was playing just for me I do believe. This chick had so many problems and then she would take on other people's problems also. Blah blah and it�s the end and everything is peachy keen. I sit and look at it like this.. I remember a couple of weeks ago I felt like I was walking down a hallway. People were walking out the doors. In their hands were 4x4's and each one would just hit me. They would knock me down and for dumb stupid reason I would get back up and let the next person hit me. So now the hitting has stopped. I am now walking down the same hall and people are again stepping out the their doors but this time they have these huge backpacks and they keep putting them on my back, Damn it can people just leave me. I want to only see my problems. I feel like I am going deeper and deeper in depression. My stupid boyfriend either doesn't know it or he just doesn't care. I sure that he just doesn't know it. Well I guess I better be going. Have a great weekend!!

Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you



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