




Its not getting better

2007-04-25 - 10:51 a.m.

The fighting only got worse last night. He is stressed because of money and other issues dealing with things that he did that he knew was wrong. Nothing to serious but he has to deal with it. He dumped some old couches of ours in illegal dumping and got caught. I am sure there is going to be a fine. He then treats me like crap and forgets that he is not perfect. We are both lazy in a way. He motivates me and I do the same to him. I asked him if he even cared about keithen because he has not asked about him or called him at the group home. He told me that he has been to busy. Wow to busy to make a call now give me a break. I have to worry about everything while he thinks that he has a lot to do. So I just sat there last night after listing to 8 voicemails things wow dude you need to open up your eyes and realize you also have faults. I will own up to mine but look in the mirror. Did I tell u that we go thru this crap at least twice a year to blow off stem.

My charge nurse just came up here and made us draw straws to go take care of one of our patients. Thank god I didn't get the short stick. I was laughing cause we need straws to figure out who is going to take care of the "king".

It's been raining like crazy these last 2 days. I am missing the sun so bad. I can't wait for 90 degree weather. I don't swim so I don't care about that. I don't go swimming for 2 reason. 1) I am white but I have black peoples hair. 2) I am way to big to wear a swim suit. Okay I am not that bad but just can't do it. Okay I do swim in our 3 foot but not at our water park. Got to get going.

Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you



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