




Little something

2008-06-24 - 9:29 p.m.

Alot has gone on this summer but I never have time to sit down and write about it. I started a class tonight at the YMCA. It was really good. I know I will be sore in the morning. I gave up pop except for a 16oz a day. I have had terrible headaches but I hope to get over that also. I am hoping to lose 20 pounds by my wedding but I will settle for 10. I fit in my wedding dress but I just want to lose a little weight. I will be taking these classes tuesday and thursday nights. If I really like it I will switch to monday-wed-friday at 5:30am. I guess we will find out if I die from the class. HAHA!

I had to call the cops on keithen last night because he flipped out again. THings are going okay today with him. I just think I have relaxed and he just needed the shit scared out of him again.

Austin's b-day is in two days. I am broke and have clue what I am going to do for him. okay I need sleep!!

Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you



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