




a little little

2008-03-11 - 10:45 a.m.

Just when I thought everyone was heathly in our family round 2 starts. Emily kept me awake all night long sunday night/ monday morning. I took her to the doctor monday and they told me she has strep. We came home and she was misable. She just laid there crying and moaning. She complained of her back hurting. Last night I decided to take her to ER. They were concered about which made me feel alot better. We were there forever it felt like. She had blood taken for a mono test. She had a flu test and she had to pee in a cup. They still think that its strep but they told me she has a nasty UTI. The medicine finally has started to work because she is walking around singing. I guess that means she is getting better and I am off to work tomorrow.

In a couple of weeks I am off to Women of Faith again. I am taking Amber, Anna and Carrie. Its going to be a great weekend for us and I can't wait to hear what they think of it.

I guess the wedding plans are in place. Okay they are slowing coming to place. My sister called me one night and asked if it was okay if she signed us up for Redneck weddings. I said yes!! They already contacted her back saying they are shooting only until June but they would keep us in mind for the 3rd season. They also wanted more information about Travis and I. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Only 8 working days left till I go on Vaction and I start my new job!!

Half of what I say is meaningless
But I say it just to reach you



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